Today, C, E, & K got to spend time with Grandma J. She did me a big favor and came over to spend some quality time with her grandkids! This allowed me to clean their bedrooms and organize their closets.

When she arrived, they had a tea party all planned out. With help from daddy they made tea and snacks to enjoy. They love doing tea parties!
Then, it was outside to play! K has discovered that she loves it outside. Anytime C and E go out, she wants to be there too. She will pull up to the back door and stand on her tippy toes and watch or alternately cry until someone will take her out too. She is finding all kinds of new outside toys that she hasn't experienced before. C and E like to help her out, too, by giving her a lift in the jeep or a push on the baby swing. E really, really liked pushing K in her airplane swing!
It was gorgeous weather again today and my kiddos are really loving all the outside time they are getting.
Thanks again to Grandma J for helping with the kids! C and E's bedrooms are all cleaned up. Wonder how long they'll stay that way?
And tonight, daddy and C and E finally caught the ice cream truck as it went by! You would think it would drive a little slower, so we would have time to get out there! C and E really liked the drumstick ice cream cones they got.
Hope you have a blessed day!
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