Saturday, February 28, 2009

Our Saturday

Hello Everyone! I am actually going to start with Friday night. I posted of a pic of Connor getting a hair cut. No more curls! They are all gone for right now. Connor hates to get a haircut. And, as you can tell from the pic, last nights was no exception. We seem to go in a cylcle with Connor's hair, we cut it, let it grow a long, long time until it is all curls, and then cut it again. I think we wait so long because he hates hair cuts so much! But, doesn't he look so grown up and handsome with it short? I sure do think so!

Now on to Saturday-- I started off the day with a massage appointment! It was heavenly! Thank you Cheyenne for that lovely Christmas gift. I asked the lady to mainly focus on my upper body-- back, shoulders, and neck -- with just a little time on the rest. This is my normal request when I go for a massage, and this time the lady actually listened! She is the first masseuse I have had to actually concentrate enough on those three areas. She probably spent at least 30 minutes on my back and shoulders! It really helped to loosen those sore muscles up!

Then, this afternoon, we went to the bike shop. We needed new tires on Connor's, Carlton's and my bicycles. I haven't rode my bike in forever. Now, it is ready. We shall see. Connor and Carlton went for a ride around the block after we got back while Emma, Kara, and I went to the grocery store. He said they were back before too long because a little somebody got too cold. Apparently, when legs are too cold, they cease to be able to pedal bicycles-- therefore, daddy had to walk both his and Connor's bike home! I snapped the pic as we were leaving for the grocery store.

Other news-- Kara has her first top tooth poked through! She got the bottom two at 4 1/2 months, but it took until now for any more to show!

The other picture is of Kara with Grandma J at their house this afternoon. We took the bikes to a bike shop in Rowlett and it took them an hour, so we waited it out at G and G J's house. (Thanks for letting us visit at such short notice!) Kara decided she was big enought to play with the train. Grandma would put it on the track and Kara would grab it off as it went by. It was so cute!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Silly Pictures

It is so nice NOT to be sick! I must of had lots of prayers out there, because I got over the flu a lot faster than some I have heard about. I am so thankful to not feel bad! I have a little tiredness hanging on, but I went to work today, watched seven babies (along with my teaching partner), and am still doing OK.

This afternoon, I pulled out my camera to snap a few pictures for this post. When I started taking pics, C asked if we could take a silly picture. This needs a little explanation-- often, when I am taking pics, the kids want to be silly, make a face, etc. So, I started telling them, "We'll do the serious one first, and then I will take a silly one and you can look however you want to." They love to take silly pictures and we're both happy-- I get my "serious" pictures with the 'good' smiles and they get to show off their silly faces. Well, when C asked if they could do a silly pic, Emma asks, "Does Kara know how to do a silly picture?" I said, "Probably not. Do you think you can teach her?" Of course, they were all game to try this. I snapped some pics of them trying and then some of Kara trying to get them after they had made some silly faces. She thought they were pretty funny. It is so cute to watch them interact together!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

What a beautiful, warm day

Isn't this weather crazy? It is so warm here today. Over 80 degrees. We have been outside playing and just enjoying it. Because tommorow it may be gone again!

One of the pics I posted is of Kara playing on our Wii balance board. I left it in the floor instead of putting it up and Kara loves to go over to it, put her hands on it and just rock back and forth. This time, she decided to get on top of it and just sit there, looking so proud of herself, too! I guess she thought it was time she learned how to balance herself too. She is growing so fast, pulling up on everything and showing signs of starting to cruise around a little. We may have an early walker!

The other pics are of Connor (sorry, they are a little dark). He wanted to show me some of the sign language that he has been learning. He is so proud of himself. He stood there and showed me several signs he had learned, such as, thank you, please, juice, milk, and most of the letters of the alphabet. He is excited and wants to learn more about sign language. I don't know it myself and cannot help much, but other people are teaching him and he seems to pick it up really fast. I think it is a great skill for him to have and know how to use.

I am feeling almost 100% better. I got out and ran a few errands today and have kept my energy up fairly well. Hopefully it stays that way. I hope you all have a blessed day!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Still Among the Living

I'm still among the living! As Carlton posted, I have been down with the flu. And, of course, it was a different strain than what Connor and Kara had, so we could pass it around again. Keep us in your prayers that we don't.

I am feeling so much better. I am worn out, but my fever was gone for most of the day and I'm starting to get back a little energy. I missed work today and Carlton stayed home again, but I am on the mend!

I posted a pic above of Kara playing with the grass. I took her outside today when I was at my wits end of hearing her cry and thought that might distract her. (I think she is about to poke a top tooth through.) I decided to set her down in the grass and see what she thought of it. She didn't much like it. She decided it was interesting for a moment and even stuck a leaf in her mouth, which I dutifully fished out, but ultimately did not want to be on the grass, but in mommy's lap. However, it was beautiful outside and so we just sat on our swing and that made her happy for awhile.

The other pic I posted is of my three kids, a friend of theirs and myself. This was taken three or four weeks ago. I posted it because someone asked me why there were no pics of me on here. I looked for one of just me, but don't have one on my phone or camera. So, this will have to do. It is someone I haven't seen in a long while and they wanted to see if I resembled my mom. If you know my mom, what's your opinion?

Okay, I guess that's it for now. My husband and three kids are at church so I can get some much needed rest. I guess I better get to that. As Carlton was leaving, I told him I was going to try to pay bills, use the Wii, and look up some baby shower games on the computer, but try to get some rest in too. He didn't think that was resting very much--so I told him I would try to rest and leave that stuff for another day. So, instead I am blogging and now it is rest time!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Down with the flu

Leann is sick with the flu. I stayed home with her Monday and my mom volunteered to come over and help out today. She's getting better already, but the energy is not there of course.

Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of Leann sick to add on here. :) I'm sure I would be in trouble if I did!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Afternoon

After church this morning, we finished celebrating Emma's Birthday at Peter Piper Pizza. It was a lot of fun. I snapped a few pics of C and E on a ride and one of K celebrating too--sleeping! We all had a good time.

Emma is very excited to be 3! Of course, after we got home and I told her she had her three-year check-up tommorow, she changed her mind and decided she'll stay two! Do you think she knows that a shot is a possibility?

The Start Of A New Week

I love Sunday! It is a day set aside to rejuvenate and give you a start to a brand new week. Worship time at church is so important to me. Sometimes when I get to church I may not feel like worshipping. Rushing to make it on time, having a headache, or whatever the case may be, I may just not feel like being there. But, I often remember something a youth leader said at a retreat I went too-- She said, "Sometimes you just have to make yourself worship. Even if you don't feel like raising up your hand-- just do it anyway." That often comes back to me now when I am sitting in church--I find that if I will just lift up my hand that God will take care of the rest.
The peace that I get during worship gives me the push that I sometimes need to get through the week--hopefully, with a Christ-like attitude.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Emma!

Today, Emma is three! She was super excited all day long. Connor and Emma spent the night at grandpa and grandma J's house and got to go out for pancakes this morning at IHOP. Pancakes are Emma's all time favorite food.

They then went shopping at the Disney store, where Emma got to pick out some of her birthday present. Lunch was at McDonald's and then it was party time.

And what a party it was! She had a blast. Dancing and jumping around with all of her friends. She was on cloud nine. There were purple cupcakes with purple icing as she requested and her very own cake too. (She couldn't just have cupcakes!) They played games and music, the hokey pokey, the limbo, musical chairs, freeze dance, and several others. Emma loved being the center of attention at present time too.

Ms. Donna did a great job with the birthday party. She is a dance teacher and birthday party planner. It was so much fun and I was so glad to see Emma enjoying her birthday so much. This is one birthday that I can say she truely enjoyed to the fullest.

And tomorrow the celebration will continue when we go to Peter Piper Pizza to have her official birthday dinner with family! Isn't it so much fun to stretch birthdays out and really enjoy them? Hope you enjoy the pics.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Afternoon with Great-grandma J

We visited with Great-Grandma Jenke this afternoon. The kids had a blast at her house. She let them have Valentine's candy and they got to play with her old phone books and even got to take one home! They were so excited to play with a phone book!

I am trying to get everything ready for Emma's birthday party tommorow. I still have to make cupcakes tomorrow, but otherwise everything is about ready. I'll probably have lots and lots of pics tomorrow to show of her party.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


These pics are from Emma's Valentine's party. Connor was sick with the flu and didn't get to go to his party at MDO or barn school. He was very sad to miss both. He asked me if I would "bring him home a bag of hearts" so that he could still have some Valentine's. His teacher at MDO and three or four kids in his class, brought me down his 'bag of hearts' and told me they hoped he got to feeling better. He was so excited when I brought them home.

Emma had a blast at her party. Grandma Teeter got to come and have pizza with her and then took her home early. She was super excited.
On Saturday, Carlton and I got to go out on a date! It was so much fun. We went to Rockfish at Mockingbird Station and then stopped at a coffee shop on the way home and just relaxed! My parents kept all three kids so that we could go on our Valentine's date. We try to have date night every so often, but we don't get away without Kara too often yet. It was very nice to have some quality time with my husband! I love you, so much, Carlton!

My First Blog.. The calm

Ah...the calm after the storm...the kids are all in bed and fast asleep. Isn't that quiet time so nice? What a day today has been! Let's just say the kiddos were a little on the high strung side. K is teething and, well, C and E were just having a hyper day.

I'm a mom who doesn't mind taking her kids to the store with her. If I need to run errands or go grocery shopping, they just come along with me. That teaches them to behave, learn how to act appropriately, and obey...hopefully. Today was one of those times where I should have waited until someone was available to watch them before I went to the store. I'm sure the ladies at the party supply store were wondering why in the world I couldn't get my children to behave! Ah, well, we left, lost TV priveleges and got time outs, and hopefully they learned their lesson. Tomorrows another day and I can't wait to see what good things God has in store for all of us!

I have been so busy this week. Emma's b-day is on Saturday and we are preparing for a Ballerina Dance Birthday party. She is super excited that all of her friends are coming to dance with her. I'll be sure to post pics to let you all see how it went. I was supposed to be making cupcakes tonight to take to MDO in the morning for her class, but I used the last of the eggs this morning. So, it looks like I'll be picking up store bought cupcakes. I was having to stop at the grocery store anyway, as I didn't make it by today to get the bread I am taking to tomorrows potluck at MDO. I am also working on a baby shower. It is three weeks from Saturday, so I am trying to get busy on that.

Well, I guess that is it for tonight! My first blog. It's a lot easier than I imagined it to be.