When it rains at our house, a lake forms outside on the sidewalk in front of our house. C and E love to wade and splash in it when the weather allows. C asked yesterday afternoon if they could wade in it. I told him that I thought we could do that. So, after daddy got home, I told them we could go out and wade. No sitting down or splashing very much!

If I am putting C & E to bed, then daddy usually has K. Last night, K wanted to come where we were. She could hear us upstairs and wasn't happy to have been left downstairs. So, she heads for the stairs. (With daddy right behind her, of course!) She made it all the way to the top, all by herself! And, so it begins, keeping her off the stairs!
I was thinking in my head that they would put on thier rain boots and jackets. C ran and got his swimsuit on! I tried to explain to him that it was getting cold outside. But he had to wear his swimsuit out. So, of course, E did too. So out they went to wade in their swimsuits. It was sooooo cold outside! I heard comments such as, "It's freezing!", "I'm too cold.", "Let's go in!", etc. They did walk and then run through the water a few times, but that was the shortest time of wading that we've ever done. They dried off and got into their pajamas pretty fast!
This afternoon, G & G Jenke and Great-Grandma J stopped by for a few minutes. C and E were at Incredible Pizza with Aunt M (I'll have pics from there soon.) so K had them all to herself. K acted so shy. She would duck her head down and then peek up at Grandpa J, especially. It was so cute! I snapped this pic of them playing peek-a-boo around the art easel.
Have a blessed day!
How fun!! Now your even more busy with K on the move.