This Sunday morning reinforced something that I have known in the past -- My kids do not sit well through a church service! They are just not used to it. They are used to having a class to go to, not the main service. We have experienced this at my mom and dad's church before. They all want to sit on Grandma's lap (my two kids and my niece), they want to lay on the pew, they don't want to sit down, they talk loudly, and on and on.

I have a few cute stories from this morning! There was a guest preacher there this morning. At one point early in the sermon, he made a comment and said, "Everybody say 'Amen'" And Connor pipes up loudly, "AMEN!" Not once, but twice. Also, the preacher asked several time during his sermon, "Is Jesus in your house?" And Connor answered him at least three or four time, "Yes!" Again, none too quietly. Every so often, Emma, who was looking through a song book, would just raise up her hand like she had a question. Maybe she was just praising God! It was very cute.
I am posting a pic of all six of my parents grandkids. We got them all on the couch after church and made them sit still a few minutes for a picture. They sure are all cute!
The baby shower went well yesterday. We had 43 adults there! It was an awesome turnout. We played an ice babies game, an animal babies game, and the baby price is right item game. We had lots of cake, fruit, cheese dip and chips, and weenies in BBQ sauce. K received so many gifts! She was well blessed.
This is a picture of my dad feeding K some pancakes. There is no telling what she has had to eat these past two days. I think he even slipped her a little syrup with the pancakes. Grandpa love to feed his girl.
We are enjoying our time in Arkansas. The kids are currently out on the four wheeler with my dad. They love going to look at the cows with him. Even K has been out on the four wheeler-- and really enjoyed it!
Have a blessed day!
THe church stories were great, priceless!