Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our Sunday

I woke up this morning at 6:30 a.m. (Well, technically I got up at midnight with E and 2 a.m. with K.) Immediately a thought popped into my head-- I had forgot to make the cupcakes that I was supposed to make last night! We had a bake sale at church this morning and I meant to make them last night and put icing on this morning. So, I started making cupcakes and breakfast. We made it on time to church-- cupcakes and all! Just barely, on time!

I took some pics of all of the kiddos in their church clothes this morning. K and E wanted to tell Grandpa and Grandma T 'thank you' for the new dresses. K did not want to pose for a picture. This is the best that I could do!

This afternoon, we had some friends come over for lunch and fellowship. It had been a while since we had all gotten together. We had a great time. I snapped some pics of all of the kids playing in our backyard. C and E love playing with J and C and, as you can see, K joined right in!

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. I snapped some pics of all of the kids playing in our backyard. C and E love playing with J and C and, as you can see, K joined right in!

    hehe I had to laugh at this. It sounds like you are writting a dr suess book. The kids look great in their new clothes.
