Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010 Family time

Well, this is our last family get-together of Christmas 2010! We ate lunch at the Chinese restaurant and then headed to the J's house to celebrate. We read The Christmas Story from Luke, as we do every year and prayed over our celebration and our family. Then, the present opening commenced! We are so blessed! Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Bye-bye cows!

Kara went with Grandpa in his truck to tell the cows bye! Connor, Emma, Kara, grandpa, and I went for a last ride to see the cows before we head back home tomorrow. Until next time....

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Geo caching in AR!

We went Geo-cacheing in Pottsville, AR this afternoon. We found five caches in or around the Pottsville area. Including one in the parking lot of the church my parents attend. We took my mom along for the adventures! Fun times!!!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Playing in boxes

The two youngest cousins had them most fun playing in the boxes! They purposefully would rock them back and forth until they would "have a wreck".

Connor catching snowflakes

We had snow flurries today! Connor and Emma had fun trying to catch snowflakes on their tongues! Nothing stuck, of course, but good to have snow on Christmas!

Friday, December 24, 2010

New blog app for phone

Well ladies and gents--- I have got a new iBlog app for my iPhone. Courtesy of my Uncle Bo (Thank you!). He has missed my blogs and hopefully this will help me update it a little more often. It will only upload one pic per post, so they may be shorter, but more at one time. We shall see! Here I go blogging, again!!! Merry Christmas!!!

Testing blog app

Testing pic size from blog so

Making Pecan Pies

E and K made pecan pies with Grandma this morning. They had such fun helping her measure and add the ingredients and grandma T just loved it! They turned out rather yummy, too!


GeoTagged, [N35.27569, E93.09012]

It is so cute seeing the two youngest cousins playing together! Sometimes they play well and other times they fight over the same toys. :). Fun times!

Christmas at The Teeter's

GeoTagged, [N35.27569, E93.09012]

We are in Arkansas for Christmas this year! Tonight we had Christmas at the Teeter's. We decided to go with a Mexican themed meal this year instead of traditional faire. It was yummy and I am stuffed. The kiddos got pillow pets and a drum set and lots of other goodies. What a great and fun time with family! Christmas Eve gift, everyone!


Just testing out a new app on my iPhone. May have to try it out.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fishing For Books

C's school has been celebrating books this week! Today they all got to fish for books. Each student got to take the book home with them and keep it.

Here is some pics I got of C.


The catch...
Reading his book...

The Tiny Eric Carle

Have a blessed day!

Singing and glamour!

K has on mommy's sunglasses! Isn't she a cutie?

Tueday night, C's class had a performance after the PTA meeting! They sang some very neat songs and C did such a fabulous job!!!

Have a blessed day!!!

Spring Fling

C's school had a carnival this past Friday night. Our family went and enjoyed it!

This is Connor going throught the inflatable obstacle course:

Now, it's E's turn: Ready, set, go.....

uh oh! She got out at this point! This was not her favorite part!

K and mommy doing the cake walk together!

A fun time was had by all!
Have a blessed day!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bug Collecting has been a long, long time since updating this blog! Here goes...

About a week ago, C came home from church with a collection of lady bugs in an old playdough container. We poked some holes in the top and added some grass and there they sat! I meant to stop by and get a clear bug container to put them in so he could view them, but just didn't get around to it. So, today while at the dollar store, I spotted these bug containers and picked him one up. I, of course, knew I would be in trouble if I didn't get the two girls one, as well, so a purple and pink one were quickly added to his blue one.

After I picked him up from school, I handed them out and they proceeded to collect grass and leaves to feed the lady bugs and then went on a bug hunt to capture for their collections! I'm not sure anyone has found any other bugs yet, which means we may be collecting more lady bugs at church. (There were tons on that Wednesday night! Hopefully some are still there.)

Here are few pics of them with their bug collections and one of Kara bug hunting!

It is hilarious that K is hunting bugs as they scare her to death! She did get a kick out of seeing the lady bugs in C's container, though!

Have a blessed day!!!