Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fishing For Books

C's school has been celebrating books this week! Today they all got to fish for books. Each student got to take the book home with them and keep it.

Here is some pics I got of C.


The catch...
Reading his book...

The Tiny Eric Carle

Have a blessed day!

Singing and glamour!

K has on mommy's sunglasses! Isn't she a cutie?

Tueday night, C's class had a performance after the PTA meeting! They sang some very neat songs and C did such a fabulous job!!!

Have a blessed day!!!

Spring Fling

C's school had a carnival this past Friday night. Our family went and enjoyed it!

This is Connor going throught the inflatable obstacle course:

Now, it's E's turn: Ready, set, go.....

uh oh! She got out at this point! This was not her favorite part!

K and mommy doing the cake walk together!

A fun time was had by all!
Have a blessed day!