Monday, March 30, 2009

Egg hunt and pictures at the Arboretum

We went to the Dallas Arboretum today to take pictures and to do our annual playgroup Easter egg hunt. It was a great day to take pics because it was clouded over, although a little cooler than we thought it would be, due to the wind. We sure had fun though.

We took our lunches and had a picnic on the lawn.

Then, we had our Playgroup Easter Egg Hunt. This was my three kids first egg hunt of the year. Even K found some eggs. And was enthralled with the two she found. She just sat and played with them. She eventually got a piece of chocolate candy out of one egg and began to eat it, wrapper and all! Mommy quickly got it from her, but not before she got a taste.

C and E found too many. You got to find and take home the same amount you brought. They had to count their eggs and put some back so that everyone could have their share.

We also snapped some group shots of our playgroup. We started out with just four, but have grown and grown as friends and siblings have been added!

Then, we visited some of the storybook houses they have spread throughout the Arboretum. C was a bit disappointed because he thought he would get to hear a story at each one. I had to explain they are houses built to look like those from stories. Such as the ship from Treasure Island. C and E both enjoyed going in and out of the different houses. We didn't visit them all, but will have to return another time.

We had a fun day!

I also snapped some pics of K clapping! This is the first time that I have seen her do this! We were eating lunch and I noticed her doing it. Of course, I grabbed my camera and coaxed her to clap again and again!

One other thing, another top tooth has also poked through for K! I'm glad it is finally through.
I know that I put a ton of pictures on here, but I took even more! I am uploading the rest of the pics that I took to Picasa and have changed the slideshow to them. Enjoy!

Have a blessed day!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What A Beautiful Afternoon!

I mentioned yesterday that Aunt M had taken C and E to Incredible Pizza. They had a blast eating and playing. She sent me a few pics that she took. One of her friends went along to help keep up with them, as well. Thanks so much for entertaining them for a few hours while I got some much needed housework done!

What a beautiful afternoon this turned out to be! While I was doing some things inside the house, my husband had C, E, and K outside playing. K was in her airplane swing and she fell asleep while sitting up in her swing. She stayed that way for quite a while.

We also bought a new tarp to go under the play house that is in our backyard. My husband moved the playhouse this afternoon so that the new tarp would be under it and give them a better "floor" underneath. The playhouse was a birthday present for E for her 2nd bday and they really enjoy playing in it!

Have a blessed day!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

It is freezing!

When it rains at our house, a lake forms outside on the sidewalk in front of our house. C and E love to wade and splash in it when the weather allows. C asked yesterday afternoon if they could wade in it. I told him that I thought we could do that. So, after daddy got home, I told them we could go out and wade. No sitting down or splashing very much!

I was thinking in my head that they would put on thier rain boots and jackets. C ran and got his swimsuit on! I tried to explain to him that it was getting cold outside. But he had to wear his swimsuit out. So, of course, E did too. So out they went to wade in their swimsuits. It was sooooo cold outside! I heard comments such as, "It's freezing!", "I'm too cold.", "Let's go in!", etc. They did walk and then run through the water a few times, but that was the shortest time of wading that we've ever done. They dried off and got into their pajamas pretty fast!

If I am putting C & E to bed, then daddy usually has K. Last night, K wanted to come where we were. She could hear us upstairs and wasn't happy to have been left downstairs. So, she heads for the stairs. (With daddy right behind her, of course!) She made it all the way to the top, all by herself! And, so it begins, keeping her off the stairs!
This afternoon, G & G Jenke and Great-Grandma J stopped by for a few minutes. C and E were at Incredible Pizza with Aunt M (I'll have pics from there soon.) so K had them all to herself. K acted so shy. She would duck her head down and then peek up at Grandpa J, especially. It was so cute! I snapped this pic of them playing peek-a-boo around the art easel.

Have a blessed day!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Crafts with Aunt M

Last night, Aunt M came over to play with the kiddos. She brought sand crafts and stamps with her to do with the kids. She let them choose which to do and C picked the sand and E picked the stamps. So, they just did both! I snapped some pics of them doing the projects. They had a blast with Aunt M. Even K got in on the craft time! At least, she kept trying!

I also took a few pics of K playing with a new toy that Aunt M brought her. She would put both hands on the truck and let them roll out from under her. It was cute to watch.

Today, I had the priveledge of going on a field trip with the homeschool class at MDO. Their teacher was out, so I got to go today. We went to the Dallas Arboretum. It was a bit chilly, but not too bad, and it didn't rain on us at all while we were there. They have been studying gardening and photography and took lots of photos of the blooms today. It is beautiful there. I think we walked the whole arboretum. Here are a few photos I snapped. I need to take my kids back soon, as it has been a little while since we have went. There are so many great photo ops!

Hope you have a blessed day!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I want to learn!

Today, I snapped a couple of pics when I was dropping C off at school. I thought it was so cute to see them all sitting in the desks. It is so amazing to me how much C is learning this year. Just by challenging him and encouraging him, he learns so much!

I can't believe that C will start Kindergarten this coming August! Where has the time gone? I found out today when the date is for the pre-registration for Kindergarten and have been making sure that I have all of the things together. August will arrive all too soon this year!

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Crafts and Outfits!

C loves doing crafty things! I snapped a picture of him doing the craft at Mother's Day Out today. They made bird feeders out of biscuits! I took a pic of him smashing the dough flat. He claimed he got his the biggest/flattest. I think they were not supposed to spread the dough out too much-- so this wasn't the objective, but he was proud of himself anyway! I also took a pic of the finished bird feeder!

E wanted to show off her rainbow vest [Thanks to Grandma J for sewing on the badges and emblems. I do not sew, so she is a lifesaver there!] She just got it tonight with everything all sewed on. She is so proud to be old enough to go to Rainbows with her brother.

Take special not of the rest of her outfit, too. She picked this ensemble out all by herself. I told her to get her pants on that she had had on earlier, because they had been shed somewhere along the way. She wanted to wear shorts. I told her it was too cold outside and raining. So, she simply put the shorts on over the pants! I decided if that was what she wanted to wear, that was OK with me. She had at least listened and put the pants on too!

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Back to Normal

We are getting back in our routine after Spring Break. Today is just a normal day(At least as normal as we get!). My mom commented that I hadn't updated my blog yesterday. My parents have come to really, really like my blog. They love getting to see picture updates so often! I try to put something on most days, but sometimes I just have no new pictures! I know, me, no pics?

I am always snapping pics with my camera. I sat down yesterday afternoon and downloaded 800 pics from my camera and 150 from my phone. I had not done it in quite a while. I then had the chore of weeding through and deleting the bad ones, rotating them, and then deciding which ones I needed copies of. I deleted over 200 and narrowed it down to 170 that I "need" copies of. I love having the ability to take digital pictures!

Today, C had Barn School, so we got out early to go and dropped him off. E dressed in her rain gear, so I snapped a pic of her, all rainproof. Wouldn't you know, it barely rained on us! Then, K, E, and I headed to the church to decorate bulletin boards for Easter. Can you beleive it is approaching so fast? I know it is late this year, but it has still kind of snuck up on me.

Then, K had her nine month check-up. She weighed in at 17.5 pounds and 29 inches long. Everything was great. She had to get two shots and her toe pricked for a blood sample. K screamed when they weighed her, screamed while the doctor checked her over, and was completely silent when the nurse pricked her and gave her the shots! We couldn't believe it! She just looked at the nurse. I guess the shots didn't phase her as much as having the doctor looking in her ears and nose!

Here is a cute pic of K sleeping! I had to get a pic of her in here too! She is sleeping with her feet propped up against the back of the couch - kind of looks like it wouldn't be too comfortable, but she has been that way for about 45 minutes, now.

Have a blesssed day!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our Sunday

I woke up this morning at 6:30 a.m. (Well, technically I got up at midnight with E and 2 a.m. with K.) Immediately a thought popped into my head-- I had forgot to make the cupcakes that I was supposed to make last night! We had a bake sale at church this morning and I meant to make them last night and put icing on this morning. So, I started making cupcakes and breakfast. We made it on time to church-- cupcakes and all! Just barely, on time!

I took some pics of all of the kiddos in their church clothes this morning. K and E wanted to tell Grandpa and Grandma T 'thank you' for the new dresses. K did not want to pose for a picture. This is the best that I could do!

This afternoon, we had some friends come over for lunch and fellowship. It had been a while since we had all gotten together. We had a great time. I snapped some pics of all of the kids playing in our backyard. C and E love playing with J and C and, as you can see, K joined right in!

Have a blessed day!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tea Party and Play Time

Today, C, E, & K got to spend time with Grandma J. She did me a big favor and came over to spend some quality time with her grandkids! This allowed me to clean their bedrooms and organize their closets.

When she arrived, they had a tea party all planned out. With help from daddy they made tea and snacks to enjoy. They love doing tea parties!

Then, it was outside to play! K has discovered that she loves it outside. Anytime C and E go out, she wants to be there too. She will pull up to the back door and stand on her tippy toes and watch or alternately cry until someone will take her out too. She is finding all kinds of new outside toys that she hasn't experienced before. C and E like to help her out, too, by giving her a lift in the jeep or a push on the baby swing. E really, really liked pushing K in her airplane swing!

It was gorgeous weather again today and my kiddos are really loving all the outside time they are getting.

Thanks again to Grandma J for helping with the kids! C and E's bedrooms are all cleaned up. Wonder how long they'll stay that way?

And tonight, daddy and C and E finally caught the ice cream truck as it went by! You would think it would drive a little slower, so we would have time to get out there! C and E really liked the drumstick ice cream cones they got.

Hope you have a blessed day!