Our Sunday's are always fun and eventful. We try to be on time and end up rushing around! Sometimes we just have to calm down and remember what Sundays are all about -- the day we set aside time specifically to worship God! Sometimes we forget that, but we so need to remember it's about more than just going to church and the activities surrounding it! We need that worship time to strengthen and grow our relationship with God! I so hope we are getting this message across to our kiddos.
My parents were with us this weekend and they left today to go back to Arkansas. I snapped this picture with them before they left. The kids are always heartbroken that Grandma and Grandpa can't stay just a little bit longer! We had such a fun weekend with them (despite the storms and fallen tree) and can't wait to see them again next month for K's b-day.
My husband has started playing his trombone again for church as a part of the worship team. This has resulted in us being there just a little earlier for practice. C loves watching his daddy play the trombone during practice time before Sunday School. He gets his donut, and goes and just sits there watching him play. It is so cute to watch and see.
After church, we went to Grandma and Grandpa J's house. Grandma J's brother and his wife were here this weekend to spend some time with us. We visited over lunch. C had to know all about New Mexico where they live. He heard all about the cactus, mountains, snow, etc. and loved playing in the floor with his Great Uncle A, too. It was great getting to catch up with them a little more.
After my husband came home this afternoon, he worked some on clearing the tree stump out front. Some neighbor's and a few others had cleared our yard, cut apart the rest of the tree, and piled most of the limbs beside the street for pick-up. Now all that remains is some of the stump. He is working on getting it to ground level. C had a blast climbing on the pile of tree limbs. I snapped this pic of him!
Here is also a few pics of the huge piles of limbs waiting for pick-up.
And a few more pics from Canton. My dad spent a lot of time toting K around while we looked at everything. Here is a pic of him, E, and K and one of K eating the crust from a piece of pizza.
Aren't grandparents great?! I cannot believe a tree that big snapped like that.