My children are so precious! Today C's pre-K class put on a Mother's Day Tea in celebration of Mother's Day. It was decorated so beautifully. They sang two songs to us at the beginning, finishing the second one, "You Are My Sunshine," by bringing a flower to us and finished singing the song standing beside us. There were tears in many eyes as their child sang their song to them. It was so, so precious. Grandma snapped this pic of C singing to me.
Then we enjoyed many refreshments. There was fruits, donuts, cakes, and many others. And of course, tea! Then, Ms. J read a story to us, and they finished by singing a song to us. Grandma J was able to join us in celebration, too!
Here is a pic of what E made for me in her MDO class and one of her and I together. It was so precious and special when E got her gift from her school bag, brought it to me, and wrapped her arms around my neck! She was so happy to give me a gift just from her! I love getting these special gifts that I will cherish and save!
Have a blessed day!
The kids did a good job, especially to a well-deserved mamma.