Oh the mysteries of jump starting a car! I have never had the need to jump start my own vehicle, myself -- until today! Normally, I would wait until my husband could do it or someone else that was available and had the know-how.
Yesterday morning, I got myself and the kids all ready to go to playgroup, gathered all of the things needed to spend the majority of the afternoon at the park, locked the door and got everyone in the car. WELL, the rear side door had been left open (they open electrically), therefore the van would not start. So, much to my children's dissappointment, we did not make it to play group. Instead, we spent the day around the house and my husband jump started the van last night. Yay! We're back in business.
This morning, we prepared to leave the house to take C to school and run a few errands. I decided to start the van -- before loading everyone, therefore opening those electric doors. I shout out a warning to the kids not to open their doors! So, I go to start it....click, click, click! Won't start!!!
So, I make a few quick phone calls and arrange for someone else to pick up and take C. Then, I called my neighbor and she agreed to drive her vehicle down so I can jump the van. With some instruction from our husbands, we managed to get the right cables attached to the correct charges and got my van started. We didn't even have any major goof ups!
I went directly to the auto repair shop to have my battery checked. Nothing was wrong with it, they say. He cleaned some corrosion off of the cables, that will hopefully solve the problem. Maybe it just didn't get enough of a charge last night.
Here is a cute pic of E. She fell asleep up on top of the back of the sofa. I did move her down to the seat, but not before I snapped a cute picture!

Have a blessed day!
your a pro now .
Wow! I'm proud of you. I wouldn't have even attempted to jump the car. And poor E, what a very odd place to fall asleep.