This morning we had breakfast at the hotel and then dressed for church. We visited Whitehouse Assembly Of God Church where some friends of ours pastor. We had lunch with them and had a nice visit.

Then, after a bite of supper at the hotel, we went to the swimming pool again. I snapped some more pics of us playing around. K has decided she only wants to be in the hot tub. The other is too cold for her. And the pool is cold. It is almost too cold for me. You have to keep swimming to warm up. E likes to go back and forth between the two. And C like to stay in the regular pool. We have thourougly enjoyed the pool this trip.

After lunch, it was on to Caldwell Zoo in Tyler, TX. Everyone had a blast. We walked the whole zoo. C took in his digital camera and was taking pictures as he went along, too.
We saw elephants, giraffes, rhinos, zebras, lions, and a wide variety of other animals.
The Wild Bird Walkabout was fun. We bought food sticks to feed the birds. You hold them out from you and a bird will land on your food stick and eat. E is terrified most of the time. She wants to feed them, but doesn't want to let them get close enough to land. I finally got one to land on her stick and for her to stay still enough.
This was K's first time in a place like this. She tried to catch them and chase after them. I had a very friendly bird land on me. He tried to eat my jacket, walked up and down my arms, went on to K's leg, and even went into my pocket to see what he could find. He even tried to go out with me. I had to have my husband make sure he wasn't on me when we left.
Have a blessed day!
What a fun day!