We went to church this morning (and every Sunday morning, for that matter) to celebrate the ressurection of our Lord! Isn't it awesome and wondrous what Jesus did for us? I feel so blessed and priveleged to be able to worship this Easter morning!
Here is some pictures of us all dressed up in our Easter finery!
The children sang two Easter songs to us this morning during church and C and E did such an awesome job. This was E's first time to sing on stage at church. She did wonderful!
After church, they had an Easter Egg hunt for the kiddos. They hid the eggs in a section of the parking lot, due to the muddy grass. At least the rain slacked and then held off during the egg hunt.
Then, it was on to Grandpa and Grandma J's house. We had lamb for our Easter dinner with all the trimmings. After lunch, we dyed Easter eggs. This has become a tradition to do on Easter Sunday at G & G's house.
Then, I hid them in the house. The yard was a little muddy, so we didn't venture out for this egg hunt. I think this makes C and E's fifth Easter egg hunt for this year!
K sure does love her eggs! She holds onto them for quite a while and, you can tell, has to make a concious decision to let one go if she wants to pick up something else.
I took tons of pictures today. Check the slideshow or my Picasa albums if you are interested in seeing the rest of our pictures from Easter day!
We had a great Easter! Have a blessed day!
Happy Easter!!