Today was C's Easter Party day at Barn School. I am sad to say that I didn't get to go. I have been sick. Some kind of stomach thing. I was sad to miss it, but happy that my husband got to go. My husband took off work to watch the kids so that I could rest and try to regain some strength.

Ms. R had invited the siblings of the students to come out and share in their Easter Party day. C was so nice to E today. She got to sit in his desk with him and was by his side a lot of the day. I love it when I see them "loving" each other. They may fight some, (or maybe a lot), but I know they love each other, so much!
They read stories, sang songs, played games, had an Easter Egg hunt, and a picnic lunch. E loved being a part of the day and my husband loved to be a part of this day, as well. He took many pictures for me and told me all about the day.
They also played with and learned about Cascarones. I looked up on Wikipedia what these were. Here is what I found.
Cascarones or confetti eggs are festive, hollow chicken egg shells, filled with confetti, meant to be thrown or broken over someone's head(usually as a surprise from behind), scattering confetti all over the person.
C and E had a blast crushing the eggs on people's heads or close by them. Even Ms. R got some in her hair!
They also have been learning about birds and mammals. And had some animals there today to pet and look at.
When asked, C said his favorite part of the day was "having daddy with me the whole time."
Have a blessed day!
More fun!!!