Yesterday for church, E looked like she was a little sailor girl! She had on a cute sailor's dress and the matching hat and she looked adorable. Here is a pic I snapped before we left.
Here is a pic I took today of K helping me do laundry. She likes to pull everything out before I can get to it. I think I have pics of C and E doing the same thing. I'll have to see if I can dig them up.
After we went to pick up my husband's car from the shop (the battery died yesterday), we stopped by Java Ranch. C had hot chocolate and E had a bubble gum flavored cream drink, and my husband and I got a coffee drink. We sat there and just enjoyed some time with each other. C, E, and daddy enjoyed playing a game of checkers. C can really understand the rules and how you are supposed to play the game. It amazes me how much knowledge C is picking up so quickly! They just grow so fast! It was a fun time, before we were off to the grocery store.
Have a blessed day!