I'm still among the living! As Carlton posted, I have been down with the flu. And, of course, it was a different strain than what Connor and Kara had, so we could pass it around again. Keep us in your prayers that we don't.
I am feeling so much better. I am worn out, but my fever was gone for most of the day and I'm starting to get back a little energy. I missed work today and Carlton stayed home again, but I am on the mend!
I posted a pic above of Kara playing with the grass. I took her outside today when I was at my wits end of hearing her cry and thought that might distract her. (I think she is about to poke a top tooth through.) I decided to set her down in the grass and see what she thought of it. She didn't much like it. She decided it was interesting for a moment and even stuck a leaf in her mouth, which I dutifully fished out, but ultimately did not want to be on the grass, but in mommy's lap. However, it was beautiful outside and so we just sat on our swing and that made her happy for awhile.
The other pic I posted is of my three kids, a friend of theirs and myself. This was taken three or four weeks ago. I posted it because someone asked me why there were no pics of me on here. I looked for one of just me, but don't have one on my phone or camera. So, this will have to do. It is someone I haven't seen in a long while and they wanted to see if I resembled my mom. If you know my mom, what's your opinion?
Okay, I guess that's it for now. My husband and three kids are at church so I can get some much needed rest. I guess I better get to that. As Carlton was leaving, I told him I was going to try to pay bills, use the Wii, and look up some baby shower games on the computer, but try to get some rest in too. He didn't think that was resting very much--so I told him I would try to rest and leave that stuff for another day. So, instead I am blogging and now it is rest time!!!
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