Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

C's first day of Kindergarten! C was super excited about the first day. He was excited before we left the house, he was excited as we drove to school, he was excited as we walked into the school, he was excited while we waited for his teacher, he was excited while we found his desk and he sat at it, BUT when it was time for daddy and mommy to leave, he WAS NOT excited! He got me in a hug around my neck and would not let go! That is when the tears started. I finally managed to escape from the hug and told him bye and left the room with daddy following a little behind me. I know that he did fine after we left. He has already told us all about his good day and was all smiles when we picked him up! C has always had separation issues!!!

The first two pics were taken before we left the house.

This is C at his table at school when we first arrived.

This is C and his teacher, Mrs. T, on meet the teacher night.

We walked to school to get him this afternoon. Here is some of us on the way back.

Have a blessed day!!!

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