Wednesday, August 26, 2009

K and E's first day at Academy Kids

Today was K and E's first day at Mother's Day Out! K got to move up to a new big girl class! They said she did really well. I snapped her pic outside like I did for C and E on their first days-- but K did not want to stand still. These were the best I could do.

E in her MDO classroom. She is super excited to be in a class where they don't have to take a nap! She had a great first day too.

I also started teaching today. I teach at a MDO two days a week and this year I get to teach the Pre-K class. Today was long, but went really well! I can't wait to watch these kids grow and learn throughout the year!
C did really well at Kindergarten today. He seems to tell me a little more about it each day. Today, he said he talked a lot more to the little boy he sits next to and even played with him at recess! He also told me about P.E. and that they had a race today. And he was super excited about going to the computer lab and getting to play on the computer. On the other hand, he was none to excited that instead of having playdough to play with when they first arrived, they had a math worksheet to do instead! He is none too pleased with the work part of school!!!
It was a little better at drop-off today. I gave him hugs and kisses at the classroom door. Still some tears, though! :(

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of Barn School

E was so excited that today was her first day of Barn School. She couldn't wait until it was her turn to go. On the way thiws morning, E said, "Mommy, I'm not going to cry and you don't even have to walk in with me." Of course, I did walk her in! She did great and didn't shed one tear!!!

Pic before we left the house:

Pic outside the barn:

Pic at her desk:

C had a better time at drop off today, too. I walked him in again, but this time I only took him to his desk and then left after a quick hug and kiss. There were not near as many tears as yesterday. Tomorrow, I will drop him off at the door of his classroom. We are slowly making progress. Next week, I will start dropping him at the front entrance!
Have a blessed day!

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

C's first day of Kindergarten! C was super excited about the first day. He was excited before we left the house, he was excited as we drove to school, he was excited as we walked into the school, he was excited while we waited for his teacher, he was excited while we found his desk and he sat at it, BUT when it was time for daddy and mommy to leave, he WAS NOT excited! He got me in a hug around my neck and would not let go! That is when the tears started. I finally managed to escape from the hug and told him bye and left the room with daddy following a little behind me. I know that he did fine after we left. He has already told us all about his good day and was all smiles when we picked him up! C has always had separation issues!!!

The first two pics were taken before we left the house.

This is C at his table at school when we first arrived.

This is C and his teacher, Mrs. T, on meet the teacher night.

We walked to school to get him this afternoon. Here is some of us on the way back.

Have a blessed day!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Flipping Kids!

My husband caught this pic for me of all three kiddos turning flips together. This is a new accomplishment for K and we were so surprised the first time we saw it.

She has also started giving kisses more often and will make kissing noises! She is just growing by leaps and bounds and getting smarter every day!

The last few weeks have been so busy! I have been off of MDO for the last two weeks and had lots of appointments scheduled, playgroups, and things I wanted to get accomplished.
Today, we are going to the opthamologist to get K's tear ducts unblocked and for E's yearly check-up. I'll probably cry along with K at her appt.
I will be going to the Women of Faith Conference this weekend and can't wait! I'll have to tell you all about it.
Have a blessed day!


This past Thursday was C's last day of barn school. Here is a pic of him and Mrs. R. He will start Kindergarten next Monday. :( Kind of sad, but I think he is ready. He will miss barn school and his friends there.

They did water balloons at the end of the day at barn school. I got there early enough to see them finishing up and snapped a few pics.

This last Monday, was our last official playgroup before all of them started Kindergarten. They have know each other since they were six to nine months old, respectively. We have met weekly for the last 4 1/2 to 5 years! We are still planning to meet on one or two afternoons per month so that we can all keep in touch.

Have a blessed day!

Helping Grandpa J and presents from PA

Two Sundays ago, C and E decided to help Grandpa J at church. They helped him put the offering bags on the seats they were supposed to be on for the ushers to use. They love helping and it is so cute to see them "working." Of course, K had to toddle along behind, so that she could "help" as well.

Grandma J took a trip to Pennsylvania to visit family there. She brought back some presents for my kiddos. K and E are wearing bonnets such as the Amish girls would wear.
C has a pencil sharpener shaped like an amish horse and buggy! He came home and sharpened at least ten pencils with it!

Have a blessed day!

My Penguins

It's catch up time! I have not blogged in a while, so let's see what all I have to catch up on.

I snapped these pics two Saturday's ago. I thought they were adorable. I wrapped K in this penguin towel and after I dried her off, E had to put it on too and wear it around a little while. So, since I had a pic of the other two in it, I had C put it on too, so I could have one of all three as penguins!!!

Have a blessed day!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Water Day at Academy Kids

Today was water day at Academy Kids Mother's Day Out! We were celebrating the last day of MDO for the summer. What a fun time. C and E had a blast as well as all of the other kiddos! Here are a few pics I snapped of each of them.

E would follow C up to the top of the slide and then they would slide down together. Until E decided she wanted to do it "by myself."

Forwards, backwards, on their belly, jumping and bouncing/sliding down, anything went! And they tried it all. Especially the older boys!!! But, what a fun time!

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Smores, backpacks, and baby dolls!

This pic was taken right after K got up yesterday morning. She loves to hold any and all babies and likes stuffed animals to cuddle with, too. She got her daddy to bring her all the babies and stuffed animals she could see.

Our three kiddos!

We gave C his new backpack and lunch box for the start of kindergarten. He is excited, but seems a little hesitant too. He has said several times that he knows he won't get to spend as much time with me when he starts Kindergarten!
He seemed to like the back pack, but was a little quiet about it. It may be a rough time at the start.

Today, at Mother's Day Out we made smores in the Pre-K class. They were yummy, but messy! The kids loved them! Only one more day left of MDO for the summer. Then a two week break before the fall session starts.

Have a blessed day!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Wii Fun!

We have been playing on the Wii tonight. Below is C, E, and myself exercising. We are balancing on one foot and holding it (without falling) for 30 seconds. C is using the stool as his balance board.
My husband got a new Wii game for his birthday (a month early). It is Wii Sports Resort. He knew he was going to get it for his birthday, so when the opportunity arose, we just went ahead and bought it.
It has a sword fighting challenge on it. C is playing it below and loves it! It is so much fun to watch him brandishing the sword and fending off his opponents. He says they look light light sabers!

I failed to blog about mine and my husband's recent anniversary. Tuesday, July 28 was our 8 year anniversary! C and E were in Arkansas with my parents, K was at my husband's parents all day and spent the night with them, and my husband took the day off. We spent a wonderful day together filled with many adventures!
We started off with breakfast at La Madeline's. Then went on to the Farmer's Market where we perused the local produce. Next we walked around the West End breifly and then headed to Central Market where we had a light lunch from their ready-made selections. After that, we headed for our massage appointments to get in some relaxation. Next, we found a Starbucks close by our dinner location and spent a couple hours there, just sipping coffees (Caramel Macchiato, for me) and enjoying each others company. Then, on to dinner at Simpy Fondue! We had the waiter snap a picture of us and I captured the chocolate fondue!
Our anniversary date day was awesome! My husband is so loving and I enjoyed just getting the "us time" to appreciate each other! I am so blessed and looking forward to the many years that God blesses us with!
Chocolate Fondue-- We got Cheesecake to dip in it as well as the other delectables that normally come with it (marshmallows, strawberries, rice krispy treats, brownie bites, and banana pieces).

Have a blessed day!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Family pics

Recently, we had family pictures taken. We had not done this in over a year. I love them! Here is my favorite one of the five of us.

A friend of mine, Susie, took them. She takes awesome pictures. Her website is , if you are interested.

Also, she took K's one year pics. Here is a few cute ones.

Sorry it has been a while since I have posted any blogs. We have had two different sets of family in, VBS, swimming lessons, and many other activities this summer. I have kept of with some of them on the blog, but many have fallen to the side.

For the last week, C and E have been at my parents in Arkansas. They should be home later tonight, and I cannot wait to see them. I know they have had a blast, but it is time for them to be home so that I can smother them with hugs and kisses! I can't wait to see them.

Have a blessed day!