We went to the Texas State Fair today! C, E, and K really enjoyed it! C and E rode lots of rides. I snapped lots of pics and have uploaded quite a few today. Sorry there are so many, but they are all so good! Enjoy!
Canoe ride--

E drove the fire truck and C stood in the lift and sprayed the water on the fire!

They both enjoyed the swings! E rode this twice.

The train ride made all kinds of animal noises.

The hot air balloon ride went up and down and spun around! E was ready to get off by the time this one was over!

C rode the planes by himself. (Also the bumper cars by himself.)

K got to ride one ride. Mommy had to ride too, so she could get on. It is a kiddie version of the tilt a whirl, but it is a big bear that you can spin around and around. K started saying bear, bear as soon as she caught sight of them. So, when they rode these, we decided to let her try and she loved it!!!

After we finished riding, we let them play one game. They each chose a duck and got a small prize!

Next, we made our way to the petting zoo! They had all kinds of animals-- llamas, camels, zebras, horses, cows, ducks, emus, ostriches, pigs and piglets, deer, and many more. C loved letting the animals eat out of his hands or the shovels provided. E was a little more hesitant and would pour the feed for them, but didn't want them too close. K just wanted to look!!!

K really likes birds of any kind. She loved the ducks!

C feeding the emu.

I would never miss a picture taking opportunity!!!

Our favorite food to get is a turkey leg! C and E had to have a few tastes, too, and really liked them! K got a few bites in, as well!

Daddy, C, E, and K in front of Big Tex!

Have a blessed day!
Looks fun! That turkey leg looked to be the size of the kiddos heads. Wow!