Thursday, October 29, 2009

E collects most for missions and halloween costumes

E's rainbow class (and all of the missionettes) has been collecting money for missions. E collected the most money of all of the girls and boys in her class and in the whole missionettes group! She received a prize for her efforts and got recognized in front of the group! She was so proud, as are we!!!

E receiving her prize kitty cat!

E with her prize!

The group of top collectors:

Today, we went to our local Kroger where they had a trick or treat time. The kids dressed up in their costumes and Kroger had one game set up, free cookies in the bakery, and trick or treat candy in the dairy department. I needed to get a few things anyway, and figured any excuse to get the kiddos out in their costumes was good. They had fun and loved wearing their costumes.

I snapped a few pics before we left.

C: my policeman!

K: my little lady bug!

E: Our princess! She also wants to be a princess when she grows up!

Pin the nose on the pumpkin:

Shopping: We got lots of compliments!

Have a blessed day!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekend Camping Trip

My two guys went on a camping trip this weekend. They spent two nights at Joe Pool Lake with a group of other 5-8 year old boys and their dads from our church. They used our new tent and enjoyed this cold weather we have been getting! I think it got down to around 40 degrees the first night, but at least the rain held off while they were there! I sent plenty of warm clothes and blankets to keep them bundled up good.

They had so much fun and came home overflowing with stories about their camping adventures. On Saturday, they went on a two and a half mile hike through the woods! The boys got to use their walking sticks they had made to help them along the trails. C also took my binoculars so that he could spot things way in the distance. He also took a telescope he recently acquired at a yard sale and the boys all had fun gazing at the stars (at least once!).

C with his walking stick on their hike:

He fell in the mud and got his pants and hands all muddy!

They had campfires each night and even cooked a meal directly on the fire using foil packets!

C all bundled up and ready to sleep! My husband said that C went right to sleep each night, he was so worn out! He said that a lot of the boys were asking to go to bed way before bedtime!

Bro. D used the sword for an illustration in one of his devotions. Each boy got to hold the sword and pose for a pic.

C somehow ended up with a scratch across his face! No telling how it got there or how it happened.

Sitting on the bank by the stream.

C wading in the stream.

C is ready to go back to camp anytime!
My husband had a rather unfortunate incident with the only pair of shoes he took on the trip. As you can see in the picture below, the shoes fell apart--literally! He said by the end of their hike, parts of the sole were coming lose and coming out.

So, what do you need? Some duct tape, of course!!! Once they got back to the camp, he duct taped them back together. Guess it is time for some new shoes!!!

Have a blessed day!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Girls Day Out

Ahhh....What a day! My husband and son are on a camping trip this weekend, so today, E and I had a pampering day. K was with us some of the day, as well, before she went to spend some time with Grandpa and Grandma J. E requested to get her hair cut "like mommys" at Sweet and Sassy (a store that pampers girls with up-dos, hair cuts, manis and pedis and much more!). So, that is where we started our day.

Here is E sitting in the chair waiting to get her hair cut. She also got her hair washed, but was very hesitant about it as she had to lean back so far. Then, the hair began to land on the floor.

The lady cutting E's hair.
K had to have her turn in the styling chair, too! (No hair cut off, though!)

Here is E's new do!

Next, E got a mini-mani. She got lotion massaged on her arms, her nails filed and painted! Of course, she chose purple polish, after all, it is her favorite color!

After the hair cut and manicure, K went with Grandma J to their house. E and I went in search of some good food! We ended up at Pei Wei. One of my favorites, but I was surprised she picked it. (And there was no encouragement on my part!) You can tell she is her daddy's daughter-- she was using those chop sticks like a pro. At her request we set up where they cook, in the bar stools. She wanted to set up high, because she is a big girl!

Next, we did a little more shopping. We went in several different stores at Firewheel.
Then it was time to head to the movies! E has been in an IMAX theatre before, but this her first real movie experience. We saw Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. My kiddos love this book and I have been reading it to E a lot lately. She was a little iffy about the theater. It was a little dark for her, too loud (she sure did wish they would turn it down. Could I please ask them to?), and she asked to leave several time. However, every time I was ready to leave with her, and I asked her if she was sure, she changed her mind. We ended up staying through the whole movie and she said she really enjoyed it!
I didn't get a very good picture, but after snapping the fourth one in the mostly dark theater, I decided that what I got would have to do, as I am sure the people around us did not appreciate the bright flashes!

Next, we did a little more shopping, went and picked up K, a quick stop at SAM's Club, and then on to dinner. E's choice was to have ice cream for dinner. So, we ended up at Braum's. First we ate chicken, chili, and hamburgers, then moved on to the icecream. (Yes, I had some, too. And the chocolate chip cookie dough with peanut butter fudge on top and a waffle cone on the side, was delicious-- not on my list of foods I should be eating, but delicious!) E had chocolate, as you can probably tell.

K doesn't care that much for ice cream, but loved eating the ice from my glass of water!

Here is a pick of K in E's pink dress-up hat. She loves prancing around in it!

Well, I guess that is it. The girls are both in bed and when I finish this blog and then one more on the guys camping trip, I will head that way myself.
Have a blessed day!

Monday, October 19, 2009

K In Her Hospital Pajamas

K had her tear-ducts unblocked today. It was an outpatient procedure a local hospital. She had a little anasthesia that knocked her out. She did great and has continued to do great all day. I snapped some pics to send to my husband throughout the day so that he could be kept up to date on what was going on.

I had to take a close-up pic so that you could see the writing over her eye telling them which eye to unblock!
She was out good!

Here is a pic I meant to put on the blog a few weeks ago. K loves to try to keep up with her big brother and sister.

Also, this is another pic I meant to blog about! C and E slept in E's bedroom floor one night this past week in their sleeping bags. I, of course, had to snap a pic.

Have a blessed day!

Popcoren the old-fashioned way!

My parents came down to visit this weekend. Came down late Friday night and left early this morning! We had such a fun visit with them, but, as always, it went too fast! They brought some popcorn kernels (some of them still on the cob) that had been homegrown by a friend of my theirs. My dad showed them how to take the kernels off the cob and my parents helped them make popcorn the old fashioned way!

Then, my husband had the oil heated up and ready to go and they popped the corn in the skillet. C and E loved watching this. It is the first time they had seen it popped somewhere other than the microwave!

And, of course, we all enjoyed eating it!!!

Have a blessed day!

Skating Adventure

We went to a friend's birthday party on Sunday afternoon and had an awesome time! It was the first time my kiddos had been roller skating an actual skating rink! They have skates at home that they used a lot outside around last Christmas and the first of this year.

They had walker type things that they could push around and hold onto to skate with. E loved it. C wasn't so sure and did enjoy it, but not as much as E. I even enjoyed some skating time! I don't think I have roller skated since high school! I wasn't half bad, if I do say so myself! Now, before you go looking -- there are no pic of me skating! My mom did take some, but she'll have to send them to me. I'll try to upload some when I get them!!!

Have a blessed day!!!

K on the table

K has learned to climb up on the table! She has recently learned how to get up into the chairs. C had carried his lunch to the table and set it down. The next thing we knew, K was up on the table enjoying his lunch! C was none to pleased!!!

The table will now be cleaned off at all times!

Have a blessed day!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

We bought a tent!

My son and husband are going on a campout in a couple of weekends with a group from church. So, we decided to buy a family tent. Of course, after we bought it, we had to set it up so that my husband would know exactly how to put it up. And, after it was up, the next logical question from my kiddos, was if they could sleep in it that night. So, we decided we would all sleep out in the tent.

Well, this worked for a little while. I finally got K to sleep. But, the other two had a very hard time settling down. They were so excited to be sleeping in a tent in our backyard! They eventually woke K back up, and after a fair amount of crying from her, I made my way inside the house to get her to sleep and in her crib. E followed us in shortly. My husband, and son toughed it out and spent the whole, cold night outside! They were bundled well and had plenty of blankets!

We'll try a family "campout" another time.

Here are some pics I snapped.

Helping daddy put the tent up!

K loved walking around inside the tent.

C and E were so excited and couldn't wait to play inside.

My husband can fully stand up inside the tent. And two queen size air mattresses fit inside. (Which we picked up on special at Targets grand opening sale in Mesquite!)

Good job getting the tent put up!

I think I blinded them with these pics. The flash was so bright in the darkness! When we went to bed in the tent:

Each of the kids had on their warm fleece pajamas with the feet!

Have a blessed day!