My son and husband are going on a campout in a couple of weekends with a group from church. So, we decided to buy a family tent. Of course, after we bought it, we had to set it up so that my husband would know exactly how to put it up. And, after it was up, the next logical question from my kiddos, was if they could sleep in it that night. So, we decided we would all sleep out in the tent.
Well, this worked for a little while. I finally got K to sleep. But, the other two had a very hard time settling down. They were so excited to be sleeping in a tent in our backyard! They eventually woke K back up, and after a fair amount of crying from her, I made my way inside the house to get her to sleep and in her crib. E followed us in shortly. My husband, and son toughed it out and spent the whole, cold night outside! They were bundled well and had plenty of blankets!
We'll try a family "campout" another time.
Here are some pics I snapped.
Helping daddy put the tent up!

K loved walking around inside the tent.

C and E were so excited and couldn't wait to play inside.

My husband can fully stand up inside the tent. And two queen size air mattresses fit inside. (Which we picked up on special at Targets grand opening sale in Mesquite!)

Good job getting the tent put up!

I think I blinded them with these pics. The flash was so bright in the darkness! When we went to bed in the tent:

Each of the kids had on their warm fleece pajamas with the feet!

Have a blessed day!