The last two weeks have been packed with things to do. We have spent lots of time with my two nieces and my kiddos love hanging out and going places with them. On Monday, we went and painted pottery. C and E did this about a month ago and enjoyed it so much that we took my nieces to paint as well. Of course, C and E had to paint something else! They each picked out two small items and painted them.

Even K got to join in on the fun. She grabbed a paint brush and "painted" the table while sitting on great-grandma's lap.

After painting, we spent the rest of the day at Grandpa and Grandma J's house. I snapped several cute pics throughout the afternoon. Here is one of C and K posing so nicely together.

K has started to love baby dolls. She has her own word for them. Grandma showed her how to feed her baby a bottle and K loved doing this and showing all of us what she was doing. It is so cute to watch!

Today, we went to the Aquarium. K loved the river otters and fish. She would point at them and just watch them.

Group picture by the waterfall.

Group picture in front of the river exhitbit.

C and E wanted their pic taken together. They were standing on the railing looking at the penguins.

Have a blessed day!
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