Then we met Aunt M for lunch at Kaze, a japanese restaurant. We had hibachi. C love s to use those chop sticks! When we were ordering, he kept asking for pork chops, even though I repeatedly told him he could have steak or chicken. I didn't figure out until the next day that he was meaning chop sticks! He did get his chop sticks at the restaurant, just had to point at another person's so we would understand what he meant.

We had extra time between lunch and swim lessons, so we went by the mall and played in the play area. They always enjoy doing this.
They even got a ride on the train at the mall.
We had extra time between lunch and swim lessons, so we went by the mall and played in the play area. They always enjoy doing this.
Then it was on to swim lessons. The kids have thouroughly enjoyed their swim lessons. I will post more of those pics on my next blog.
We ate a picnic supper and then went to t-ball practice. C is liking these, as well. He was a little unsure about playing t-ball in the past, but is loving it.
Here they are doing some exercises to warm up.
They did a practice game and let the kids bat through one time each. C was in the field first. Apparently, parts weren't too exciting for him, b/c I caught him sitting down in this pic. The ball would be hit and all the kids would run after it, some fighting over the ball! It was too cute!

C hitting the ball.
Here is a cute story-- C caught a ball that was hit toward him, and the coach told him to tag a kid out that was running toward home. C drops the ball to the side, and runs to tag the kid. The coach didn't see C drop the ball, and is cheering and congratulating him, when another child brings her the ball! We all just died laughing! C thought he had done so good! We had to explain to him to hold on to the ball when tagging someone out!

C hitting the ball.

You know how to stay busy!!