Parents could stay and watch on Thursday, since it was the last one. The other days, she asked us to wait around front so as not to distract them. I videoed and took pictures so that my husband and family could see them demonstrating their swimming abilities.
Here is E sitting on the steps before the lesson started.
E jumped off the side and then swam to Ms. S. I was surprised at how much she picked up in her first year of lessons. Her teachers said she was one of the only children in her class that wasn't afraid of whatever they asked her to do.
On Wednesday, when I went to pick C up, I snuck in a few minutes early and saw C jump off the side and swim about half the length of the pool, come up for air and catch hold of the teacher, then go back down to swim the remaining length. I was so impressed! They said that all of a sudden something just clicked that day and he figured out he could do it!
I have the privelege of having C in my class at MDO this year. While this does present challenges, I am glad to have the opportunity to spend this time with him as he will start Kindergarten in the fall, and our time together will shrink.
I snapped some pics of him doing some activities in class on Wednesday and today.
On Wed., we built forts with our blankets. This was a big hit with C and the other children, too.
You ladies are so great. I'm glad Colton gets to have you again this summer!